Monday, November 10, 2008

How does the banana diet work?

Is the banana diet a fad? Yes, it it, but it's a healthy one. There's a reason the diet is so popular.

There are many theories about how the banana diet works. Since I've tried the diet myself, and have listened to clients who've used the diet, here's my own theory.

The Morning Banana Diet works because it kick starts your metabolism for the day. It gives you fuel which energizes you, and makes you feel good. You'll be surprised that after a week or two on the diet, you lose your taste for fast food. Rather than a burger, you'll choose a salad, or a fruit salad.

You'll find that right from your first day on the Morning Banana Diet, you don't feel hungry in between meals. If you love sweets, you can indulge yourself with a sweet treat in the afternoon; it makes no difference to the diet, you still keep losing weight.

How much weight can you lose? My clients have lost between five and eight pounds after two weeks. One client is losing a steady two pounds a week -- this compares well with other diets.

Should YOU try the banana diet -- if you've tried to lose weight before and it hasn't worked, give this ultra-simple diet a try.

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